Tuesday 17th May 2022

8pm BST/ 2pm CT/ 3pm ET, 

Masterclass: Are You Oestrogen Dominant? 

Five Simple Steps for Balancing Your Hormones 

with Doctor Alison Grimston, M.B. B.S.

What if you could live life without the fear of the next mood swing? Healthy lifestyle changes to address your estrogen dominance will heal your body & hormones so that they regulate… Naturally!

Are your hormones driving you crazy?


Do you DREAD that time of the month because of painful periods & crazy mood swings?


Are you having hot flashes that make you want to go and live in the freezer?


Do you have painful, swollen breasts before your periods?


Is it IMPOSSIBLE to lose weight despite your best efforts?


Have you lost all interest in sex?


have your periods gone CRAZY with erratic timing & unpredictable heaviness?

You may have oestrogen dominance.

If so - join the club! 

Women have been told that signs like hot flashes, mood swings, and painful periods are just part of “being female”.

I’m here to tell you that it can be a real condition called oestrogen dominance.

And - you can be FREE of these challenging symptoms with a few small steps that I am sharing on this masterclass!

Hi! I’m Doctor Allie, and I LOVE helping women to feel fabulous again by balancing their hormones!

Time and time again I have seen women struggling with irregular periods that come as a surprise every few weeks – or months, a slow metabolism that makes them feel as though they are going in reverse, and headaches or even migraines that put them out of action for days every month. If you are NEVER interested in sexy time with your partner, or you feel disconnected and miserable in the midst of it, then this might just be your problem.

Oestrogen dominance is probably the most common hormonal imbalance in women. It happens when there’s more oestrogen relative to other hormones in the body. Common life factors like pregnancy/postpartum, hormone therapy, hormonal birth control, perimenopause, toxins in your environment and even stress can make oestrogen skyrocket.

Your doctor may well deny that you have an estrogen imbalance – because they are not trained to pick this up; they don’t even think that it is a “thing”.

Here’s the good news: I can help you to fix it with healthy, sustainable lifestyle changes – and where necessary, natural hormone therapy. And – MY hormone therapy (when it is needed) has NO supply issues at present!

Today, I love helping women and those with native female hormones to be


Hot-flash free


No longer a PMS monster


Keeping the weight & bloat off


Enjoying fabulous sex again

I created this Oestrogen Dominance Masterclass to teach women about hormone imbalance & to show them do-able ways to support their body’s natural rhythms of hormone creation.

Are you ready to be free of the pain, hot flashes, and bloat that come with “being a woman”?

Are you ready to be the GODDESS that your soul is inviting you to be?

The Estrogen Dominance Masterclass is on 

Tuesday 17th May

at 8pm BST (UK/ UTC+1) / 3pm Eastern / 2pm Central / 12pm Pacific.

Don't miss this 

limited-time masterclass!

©Dr Alison Grimston. All rights reserved

Medical Disclaimer: The information in this presentation is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Doctor Alison Grimston., and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.